The Sabine Creek Tres Dias Local Secretariat

Resources and information

Meet the Board


Board Job Descriptions

Taken directly from the bylaws



Vice President


Recording Secretary


Corresponding Secretary


Assistant Secretaries
Each Assistant Secretary shall generally assist the Secretary and shall have such powers and perform such duties and services as prescribed or delegated by the Secretary, the President, or the Board of Directors.




Leaders CommitteeThe Leaders shall conduct periodic Weekend training sessions; shall prepare and maintain the content of the Sabine Creek Tres Dias Team Book; shall prepare and maintain the Sabine Creek Tres Dias Weekend Script and time line, shall review prospective Weekend team members with the each Rector; shall conduct a debriefing of each Weekend to identify and document activities needing committee attention; and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons, one man and one woman, preferably a married couple, both of whom have served as a weekend Rector; provided, however, that if, and only if, the Board does not have a sufficient number of Rectors or former Rectors to meet the foregoing conditions, the chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval of the Board of Directors, without regard to the foregoing conditions.

Pre-Weekend CommitteeThe Pre-Weekend Committee shall have charge of organizing and presenting informational meetings to interested persons and groups; shall review applications of Weekend candidates, including the issuing of invitations on behalf of the Board to attend a specific Tres Dias Weekend; shall prepare and distribute the team and candidate Weekend list; shall preside as Master of Ceremonies for the Send-Off Celebration; and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. If possible, this committee should be chaired by a married couple.  

At-Large Members
The At-Large Members’ primary duty is to represent the Community at the International Tres Dias Annual Assembly. Each At-Large Member is expected to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, contribute to the general management of the Community, and perform duties as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. The At-Large Members shall be the current delegates to the International Tres Dias National Assembly. In addition to the At-Large Members elected by the Community, the past president of the Board shall serve for a term of two years as an At-Large Member, with the term beginning immediately after his term as President of the Board ends.


Weekend Committee The Weekend Committee shall be responsible for presenting to the Board proposeddates for Weekends, shall have charge of day to day relations and contact with the management of thecamp being used by the Community; shall be responsible for matters pertaining to the physical assets andarrangements for the weekend including the set-up and take-down teams; shall oversee long-term planningof weekend activities; shall purchase and maintain an inventory of supplies; shall work with the Treasurerto prepare a report showing the revenues and costs of each Weekend; and shall perform such duties as mayfrom time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. If possible, this committeeshould be chaired by a married couple. Fourth Day CommitteeThe Fourth Day Committee shall coordinate the preparation of the Candidate Packet to be distributed at each weekend closing; shall schedule Secuelas and select the Fourth Day host couple; shall handle arrangements with other Cursillo-type movements for Grand Ultreyas (Secuelas) and other similar gatherings; shall prepare article(s) for the newsletter specifyng details of upcoming Grand Ultreyas; shall assist members in establishing or locating Reunion Groups; shall prepare Fourth Day articles for the Newsletter and website; and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. If possible, this committee should be chaired by two persons-either a married couple or two single persons. Palanca Committee The Palanca Committee shall send general Palanca letters to the Weekends of other Tres Dias and Cursillo oriented movements; shall request and receive general Palanca letters from other Tres Dias and Cursillo-oriented movements; shall prepare article(s) for the newsletter specifyingupcoming weekends of other Cursillo type movements; shall maintain a record of banners for selection byWeekend Rectors;shallsee to the repair of these banners asrequired;shall support the various Weekend Palanca Chas as needed; and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors. If possible, this committee should be chaired by a married couple. Newsletter EditorThe Newsletter Editor shall coordinate a regularly scheduled newsletter containinginformation regarding the Sabine Creek Tres Dias Movement; shall coordinate the printing of thenewsletter and insuring its mailing to the list of active Pescadore names as maintained in theCorresponding Secretary’s newsletter mailing listing; shall be the Historian for the Board; and shallperform such duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.This committee should be chaired by one person, either single or married. WebmasterThe webmaster shall design and maintain the official Sabine Creek Community website. He shall insure that the name registration for the site is kept current and in the Community’s control and that hosting is done as inexpensively as possible by a reliable hosting company. He shall also insure that all of the information on the site is kept up to date and that information which may be requested by the Board or which is required in these Bylaws is posted on the site in a timely fashion.  Rector Selection CommitteeThe President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint two (2) past Rectors (one man and one woman) to act as chairpersons of the Rector Selection Committee. The chairperson shall select four (4) additional past Rectors (two (2) men and two (2) women)to serve with them on the Rector Selection Committee. The Rector Selection Committee shall serve for a term of 3 years from the date of approval of the Committee by the Board of Directors. The Rector Selection Committee shall select Rectors with the approval of the Board of Directors to serve as such on the men’s and women’s Tres Dias Weekends that are scheduled during the term of the particular Rector SelectionCommittee and during the four (4) months following the end of such term. Until such time as the membership of the Community includes six (6) persons who have served as Rectors on Tres Dias Weekends, the Board of Directors shall act as the Rector Selection Committee. Community Spiritual DirectorThe Community Spiritual Director shall be the primary liaison with the other Clergy regarding matters related to the Weekend and Fourth Day activities; shall work with the Leaders and the Weekend Rectors to select Spiritual Directors for each up coming Weekend; shall advise his successor in connection with the next scheduled set of Weekends; shall be the primary adviser and course of counsel and inspiration for the Community regarding spiritual direction. The Community Spiritual Director shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity only. The Community Spiritual Director shall be appointed by the President of the Board, subject to the approval of the Board, to serve for a term coincident with the President who appointed him or until his Successor is appointed. He shall have worked at least one Men’s and one Women’s weekend, been a Head Spiritual Director, showed a commitment to the Tres Dias movement and to the Sabine Creek Tres Dias Community, have a history as a Christian Minister, be active in ministry in his local church and be recognized by his denomination or church to celebrate Communion. If possible, the Community Spiritual Director shall have worked at least 3 weekends.